Russia's Nerpa nuclear attack submarine, damaged in a fatal accident
during tests in November last year, has successfully passed final
trials, a Pacific Fleet spokesman said on Monday.
On November 8, 2008, while the Nerpa was undergoing sea trials, its
onboard fire suppression system activated, releasing a deadly gas into
the sleeping quarters. Three crewmembers and 17 shipyard workers were killed. There were 208 people, 81 of them submariners, onboard the vessel at the time.
Following the repairs, which cost an estimated 1.9 billion rubles
($65 million), the submarine had been cleared for final sea trials.
"A state commission has concluded that judging by the results of all
trials the Nerpa nuclear submarine is ready to enter service with the
Russian Navy," the source said.
The submarine will be officially commissioned with the Russian Navy
later on Monday in the in the town of Bolshoy Kamen in Primorye
Territory, home to Amur shipyard's Vostok repair facility which carried
out the repairs.
The submarine will be subsequently leased to the Indian Navy under
the name INS Chakra. India reportedly paid $650 million for a 10-year
lease of the 12,000-ton K-152 Nerpa, an Akula II class nuclear-powered
attack submarine.
Akula II class vessels are considered the quietest and deadliest of all Russian nuclear-powered attack submarines. (Source : Ria Novosti)