SS-N-1 'Scrubber'
USA Code Name | SS-N-1 |
Nato Code Name | Scudder |
Russian Designation | |
Range | 185 Km |
Propulsion | Turbojet |
Speed | Mach 0.9 |
In-service: | 1959 - OOS |
Guidance | Command + Active Radar |
Notes: | Radar guided AntiShip, This was the first system put into service. A very limited system |
The development of the P-1 missile began in the mid-1950s, and a prototype launcher was installed aboard the Sverdlov-class cruiser Admiral Nakhimov in the late 1950s. One launcher with a magazine of 4-6 missiles was installed on the quarterdeck of the four Kildin-class rocket ships completed in 1959-1960. Whereas the Kildins were based on Kotlin-class destroyers, their successor, the Krupny-class, was based on the Kruplin-class. Eight Krupny-class ships were completed in 1960-1961. They were fitted with two launchers, one forward and aft, each having a magazine of 8-10 missiles.
The P-1 missile was a derivation of the German Fi 103 flying bomb. Its range was restricted by the acquisition range of the ship's surveillance radars against surface targets, a maximum of about 40 kilometers. Before launch, the missile had to be run out on to the missile launcher from its armoured hangar and warmed up. The performance of the missile was unreliable and reloading the launcher was difficult, or in heavy seas even impossible. The P-1A needed guidance until impact, whereas the P-1B had its own active radar terminal seeker. At one time it was envisionaged to use a Ka-10M helicopter to increase the range of the missile. The helicopter transmitted a television picture of the target to a missile controller aboard the launch ship. However, the system was not deployed operationally.

Source : Missile Index
Type: Anti-ship cruise missile
Soviet designation: P-15, P-20/P-15U, P-21/P-15M, P-20M, P-20K/P-22/P-27 Termit and Rubezh
Designer: Raduga
The SS-N-2 STYX is a ship launched medium-range anti-ship missile.
P-15 - antiship cruise missile of sea basing with the liquid propellant rocket engine and the powder starting (SPRD-E0), with the autonomous system for administration + OF TGSN or ARLGSN.
Glider - all-metal monocoque, midwing monoplane with wing and tail assembly of small lengthening. The wing spread in flight was for the first time designed and mastered by production.
Wing in two versions: riveted and cast (prepared with new progressive method - the method of the squeezing of thin-walled panels). Fairing from the radio-transparent fiberglass laminate ASTT and the polystyrene PS -1. Tank cut off welded construction, the made from the material D -20, insertable oxidant tank - from AMG-E. Basic materials used: D -16T, D -20, AMG-', Ei-'shchya, E0KHGSA, AMG-E.
By special novelty in the technology of production is wing rocket it appeared the method of the squeezing of thin-walled panels. Idea and primary developments of this method belong to E. To s. stebakov (NIAT), who, after becoming acquainted with the construction of article P -15, proposed to pour off wings by this method. With great difficulty the chief metallurgist of plant A. S. zvyagin E. S. stebakov they convinced chief engineer yu. i. shuksta of the expediency of preparing the cast wing instead of the riveted and in the need continuation of these experimental works. Very for long scrupulously was mastered the folding "book" - installation for the squeezing. With the introduction of this method there were many difficulties: first crack, then uzhimy, underfillings and the like for long searched for composition for working of the folds of "book" before the filling - they found. Castings began to be obtained, but with their heat working strongly it warped - was lost outline and basic dimensions. Large it is working it was worthwhile to develop the one-piece steel rigging, in which the cut castings loaded into the heat treating furnace. The castings, which do not require mechanical processing on the theoretical contour, began to be obtained after this, and articles became to complete wings in the cast version. This became possible because of the risk and daring decision of chief engineer shukst Yuri Ivanovich, who at the critical moment, even with the not worked out to the end version of casting, forbade to make wings P -15 in the riveted version. This accelerated the process of the mastery of cast version, although the situation with the planned deliveries was critical at that time. During the subsequent years the aircraft plant in g. to arsen'eve, where we communicated technical documentation on the series deliveries P -15, manufactured articles only with the cast wings. In 1960 the production of aggregates by the method of squeezing was exposed at VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR, where to the author- developers there was prisuzhdena silver medal, and to the executors of this method were entrusted prizes and rewards (V. d. chekushenkov, Yu. i. shukst, A. To s. zvyagin). It was rewarded with medal OF VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR and with A. 4. birch grove, which much made for the success of this work.
During the mid-1970s efficient infra-red seekers were developed and used in the P-22 missiles (SS-N-2d) supplementing the P-21 as the prime anti-ship weapon of the Project 1241 and Project 206 Missile Cutters (‘Tarantul’ class corvettes and ‘Matka’ class FACs which entered service in 1978. They were also used for coast defense purposes and received the NATO designation SSC-3 ‘Styx’.
It is the only ship-launched missile to have sunk large warships in action. On 21 October 1967 the Israeli destroyer Eilat was hit and sunk off Port Said by three missiles. Subsequently in the Holy Day War of 1973 the missile proved less effective with some 52 being fired without effect by Egyptian and Syrian naval units. One missile was destroyed in the air by a 76 mm gun.
The versions of the ‘Styx’ missile are as follows: - P-15M Termit is an improved P-15 with folding wings and modified guidance system.
- P-20 Rubezh is a redesigned P-15 with improved range, due to the use of new fuels. There is also some improvement to the radar range and to its lock-on capability, while the autopilots are further modified. It is possible that the guidance system in this version received an Indian-developed jamming system as an ECCM measure.
- P-20M Rubezh is a P-20 with the MS-2A seeker. This has a solid-state radar with improved range, bearing accuracy, low-level detection capability and clutter suppression. The radar has six preset frequencies and several can be selected for use during the flight with the receiver opening for selected pulses. The radar has improved ECCM capabilities including the ability to home-on-jam.
- P-21 Rubezh is a P-15 with infra-red seeker.
- P-22 Rubezh is a P-20M with infra-red seeker. The infra-red seeker, whose sensor head projects from just below the nose, is used as a backup to the radar seeker if the latter is jammed. The sensor is reported to be extremely sensitive but no further details are available.
- P-27 Rubezh is a P-20M with L-band seeker. In larger ships such as the ‘Tarantul’ class corvettes the ‘Square Tie’ radar is replaced by one with the NATO designation ‘Plank Shave’. This is another I-band system which is reported to have the Russian name Garpun.
The ‘Styx’ missiles have been subject to extensive in-service modification, indeed Indian sources would suggest that each of the former Soviet Navy fleets may have adapted their missiles to meet anticipated local tactical conditions. It is reported that MS-2A and IR. sensors have been retrofitted into earlier missiles together with ECCM hardware. Indian sources suggest that improvements in seeker technology developed by the Defense Research and Development Laboratories in Hyderabad and the Naval Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratories in Vishakhapatnam were adopted into the missiles of the Soviet Navy.
The P-15 is manufactured in China, North
User countries include Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, India, Iraq, North Korea, Libya, Poland, Romania, Russia, Syria, Vietnam, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.
Specifications | |||||
SS-N-2a | SS-N-2b | SS-N-2c | SS-N-2d (P-22) | ||
Speed | Mach 0.9 | Mach 0.9 | Mach 0.9 | Mach 0.9 | |
Weight (Without Booster) | 2300 kg | 2300 kg | 2500 kg | 2600 kg | |
Range | 3-24nm | 3-43nm | 3-46nm | 3-54nm | |
5.5-45 km | 5.5-80 km | 5.5-85 km | 5.5-100 km | ||
Guidance | Autopilot with active radar (supplemented in some with IR) |
Source : globalsecurity
SS-N-3A/C 'Shaddock' / SS-N-3B 'Sepal'
Type: Anti-ship/anti-ship/land-attack cruise missile
Soviet designation: P-6 (4K48), P-7/P-35 (4K44) Progress/P-5 Pityorka (4K95)
USA Code Name | SS-N-3 |
Nato Code Name | Shaddock |
Russian Designation | |
Range | 460 Km |
Propulsion | Liquid Rocket - some source state Turbojet |
Speed | Mach 1.4 |
In-service: | Yes |
Guidance | Active Radar + Data Link Update |
Notes: | Ship & Sub Launched Anti Carrier. OOS.Large long range system used midcourse guidance from platforms such as Tu142 & Ka32 |
The development of the SS-N-3 began in August 1956 with the first test flights in late 1959. The submarine-launched versions of the SS-N-3 family (A and C) must be launched from the surface, and with the anti-ship version (A) the launching submarine is required to stay on the surface after launch for missile guidance. This is done by tracking the missile with the submarine's radar and sending guidance commands to the missile based on the radar image the missile transmits via a video data link (VDL). The Front Door/Front Piece radar antenna that tracks the missile in flight and relays mid-course guidance instructions is located in the forward end of the submarine sail. The whole forward portion of the sail structure is rotated 180 degrees to expose the antenna for use.
The missile cruises at a high altitude. P-6 was the original anti-ship version and P-7 a land-attack variant of the P-6. Due to the inaccuracy of their autopilots, improved versions with mid-course guidance from the launching platform were developed as the P-6D and P-7D. However, the P-7 was cancelled in August 1965. The P-35 was a further improved design that featured the ability to use radar images from Tu-16D or Tu-95RTs aircraft or a Ka-25Ts helicopter for guidance. Also its cruise altitude could be set as 0.4, 4.0 or 7.0 kilometers. Some submarines were fitted with the Punch Bowl SATCOM system for receiving targeting information directly from satellites.
On all launch platforms except the Whiskey Long-Bin SSGs the missiles are housed in launch tubes that are in horizontal position when stowed and are raised for launch. The P-5 missile was trialed on a Whiskey Single-Cylinder SSG (S-146) with a single launch tube behind the sail. A development of the Romeo-class SS was intended as a launch platform for this missile with four launch tubes faired into the sail structure (Project 633B). This program was cancelled in 1957, but the parts already manufactured were used to convert Whiskey-class SSs into SSGs as the Whiskey Long-Bin design. This conversion took longer than expected, however, so two launch tubes were fitted behind the sail of several Whiskey-class SSs as the Whiskey Twin-Cylinder design as an interim measure. Four SS-N-3As were carried by the Juliett-class SSGs, six improved P-5Ds by the Echo I-class SSGNs, and eight SS-N-3As by the Echo II-class SSGNs.

The Tubes on the foredeck contain the SS-N-3 Missiles.
Scoop Pair are the firecontrol system for the SS-N-3

Source : Missile Index
The Tubes on the foredeck contain the SS-N-3 Missiles.
Scoop Pair are the firecontrol system for the SS-N-3
Source : Missile Index
R-13 / SS-N-4 SARK
Type: SLBM
Soviet designation: R-13 and D-2
Designer: Yangel
Lenght: 13.72 m
Diameter: 1.7 m
Launch weight: 26,000 kg
Maximum range: 650 km
Propulsion: Single-stage liquid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial + radio command
CEP: 4,000 m
Warhead: 1,600 kg 1 MT nuclear
Operational: Entered service in 1960, replaced by the SS-N-5 in the 1960s
Platforms: Zulu V, Golf I, Hotel I
The R-13 was the Soviet Navy's first purpose-designed SLBM (the first Soviet SLBM was a modified SS-1B Scud-A). Development of the missile began in 1954. The vertical launch tubes of the missiles penetrated the main pressure hull and the sail structure of the launching submarine. The launching of the missile had to be done on the surface. After the missile tube hatch opened a lift raised the missile that was held by a collar to the launch position above the sail. Some Zulu V-class SSBs were probably refitted with the R-13 replacing the naval Scud version. Two missiles were carried by the Zulu V-class SSBs, and three by the Golf I-class SSBs and Hotel I-class SSBNs.
Historical Review - Western Estimates | |
Zulu Class submarine modified for two SS-N-4 missiles mounted in sail, for SLBM test program | 1955 |
Missile flight test program began | 1956 |
Initially deployed aboard Zulu Conversion submarine | 1957 |
IOC for early model of reduced range | 1958 |
IOC for full-range model | 1960 |
Peak operational deployment (105 missiles aboard 37 submarines) | 1962 |
Missile production terminated | Mid-1964 |
Beginning of phase out | 1965 |
Phase out of Golf-I Class submarines and SS-N-4 SLBMs complete | January 1975 |
Source : globalsecurity.
SS-N-5 (Serb)
Type: SLBM
Soviet designation: R-21 and D-4
Designer: Yangel
Specifications | ||
DIA | SS-N-5 | |
NATO | Sark | |
Bilateral | ||
Service | ||
OKB/Industry | 4K55 | |
Design Bureau | OKB-586/SKB-385 | |
Approved | ||
Years of R&D | ||
Engineering and Testing | ||
First Flight Test | 2/24/1962 | |
IOC | ||
Deployment Date | 15/5/1963 | |
Launch system | D-4 with 3 missiles | |
Submarine | Golf-II / Hotel II | |
Warheads | 1 | |
Yield | 0.8-1.0 MT - Russian sources 2.0-3.5 MT - Western sources | |
Payload (kg) | 1,200 | |
Total length (m) | 12.9-14.3 | |
Total length w/o warhead (m) | ||
Missile Diameter (m) | 1.3-1.4 | |
Diameter of Stabilizers (m) | ||
Launch Weight (t) | 16.6-19.7 | |
Fuel Weight (t) | ||
Range (km) | 1400 | |
CEP (m) (Russian Sources) | 2,800 | |
CEP (m) Western Sources) | 1,800 - 3,900 | |
Number of Stages | 1 | |
Warheads deployed | ||
Booster guidance system | Inertial | |
Engine Designation | ||
Propellants | Liquid | |
Fuel | ||
Oxidizer | ||
Burning time (s) | ||
Verniers Thrust Sea Level/Vacuum (kn) | ||
Specific Impulse (s) | ||
Launching Technique | Underwater | |
Firing conditions: |
Compared to the R-13 (SS-N-4), the R-21 featured a longer range and underwater launch. Launch depth was about 20-30 meters from sail to surface. Compressed air propelled the missile to a height of about 30 meters above water where the rocket motor ignited. The range of the missile was originally about 1,300 kilometers and was later increased to the distance indicated above. The R-21 replaced the R-13 in 13 Golf-class and all the eight Hotel-class submarines.
SS-N-6 (Sawfly) Mod 1/Mod 2/Mod 3
Type: SLBM
Soviet designation: R-27/R-27U/R-27K and D-5
Designer: Chelomey
Lenght: 9.65 m
Diameter: 1,5 m
Launch weight: 14,200 kg
Maximum range: 2,400/2,950/2,950 km
Propulsion: Two-stage liquid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
CEP: 1,300 m
Warhead: 650 kg 1 MT nuclear/1 MT nuclear/two 500 kT nuclear MRVs
Operational: Entered service in 1968/1972/1973, phased out in the early 1990s
Platforms: Yankee I
The R-27 was trialed aboard a modified Golf-class submarine (the Golf IV) that carried six missiles. The Yankee I-class SSBNs carried 16 missiles in two rows of eight immediately abaft the sail within the pressure hull.
Designation | R-27, R-27K and R-27U |
Ship Class Used On | R-27 N/A R-27K K-102 Golf IV class (Pr. 605) (4 missiles) R-27U (RSM-25) Yankee I class (Pr. 667A) (16 missiles) |
Date In Service | R-27: 1968 R-27U: 1974 |
Weight | All versions: 31,306 lbs. (14,200 kg) |
Dimensions | All versions: 358 x 59 in (910 x 150 cm) |
Payload | R-27 One warhead Total payload weight 1,433 lbs. (650 kg) R-27U One or three warheads Total payload weight 1,433 lbs. (650 kg) |
Range | R-27 and R-27U with single warhead 1,370 nm (2,500 km) R-27U with three warheads 1,650 nm (3,000 km) |
Propulsion | Single-stage liquid fuel rocket Initial thrust: 50,740 lbs. (23,000 kg) |
SS-N-7 'Starbright'
Type: Anti-ship cruise missile
Soviet designation: P-20L, P-70 Ametiste (4K66)
Designer: Chelomey
USA Code Name | SS-N-7 |
Nato Code Name | Starbright |
Russian Designation | |
Range | 45 Km |
Propulsion | Solid Rocket |
Speed | Mach 0.9 |
Guidance | Active Radar |
In-service: | Yes |
Notes: | Sub Launched Anti Ship - Similar to Exocet. |
Operational: Entered service in 1967, phased out in the early 1990s
The P-20L was the Soviet Navy's first anti-ship missile that could be launched from a submerged submarine. It was a simple conversion of the P-15U (SS-N-2B) for underwater launch. Eight missiles were housed in the bow of the Charlie I-class SSGNs, four on each side between the double hull at a fixed angle. The P-70, for which the above data is given, was a more advanced purpose-designed missile, ten of which were fitted to the single Papa-class SSGN and eight to the Charlie II-class SSGNs. The development of the P-70 began in April 1959 with the first tests on a modified Whiskey-class submarine in June 1961. The P-70 can be launched from a depth of 30 meters, and it cruises at an altitude of 50-60 meters, being guided by the Thor system. A typical load for the Charlie-class consisted of two missiles with a nuclear warhead and six missiles with a conventional warhead.
R-29 / SS-N-8 SAWFLY
Type: SLBM
Soviet designation: R-29 and D-9/R-29D and D-9D
The R-29 SS-N-8 was the first Soviet sea-based ICBM. Deployed on the Delta-class submarines beginning in 1973, the missile's long range allowed submarine alert patrols in the marginal ice seas of the Soviet arctic littoral, including the Norwegian and Barents seas. Consequently, Soviet submarines no longer needed to pass through Western SOSUS sonar barriers to come within range their targets. And deployed close to home, they could be protected in "bastions" by the rest of the Soviet Navy.
The R-29 is a two-stage missile storable liquid-propellant, without an interstage section, carrying a single warhead. The missile had an aluminium magnesium alloy body with integrated fuel tanks. The first stage sustainer and the second stage propulsion system are located inside the fuel tanks, thus reducing the external dimensions of the missile. The conical blunt shaped re-entry vehicle was also located in the second stage fuel tank, oriented opposite to the flight direction. The guidance section is located in the conical area of the compartment where the warhead is usually placed. The propulsion systems of both stages consists of a single-chamber main rocket engine, and dual-chamber control engines with moveable chambers. The R-29 was the first Soviet SLBM to use a digital computer and an azimuthal stellar monitoring system for improved high accuracy and in-flight course correction.
With a launching weight of 33.3 tons the R-29 missile was capable of delivering a 1,100 kg reentry vehicle to a maximum range of 7800 km, three times greater than the R-27 missile. Thus its patrolling zones were substantially enlarged. According to Western estimates in the 1970s, the SS-N-8 was capable of delivering a 1400-lb reentry vehicle with a 0.6-1.5 MT warhead a distance of 4200 nm with a CEP of approximately 0.5 nm.
The R-29 was equipped with ballistic missile defense countermeasures. Decoys were carried in a cylindrical container in the fuel tank of the second stage, and released during nose cone separation.
Preliminary design work was conducted by SKB-385 in 1963, which was also in charge of carrying out the entire project after the Soviet Defense Ministry discarded the competing proposals made by OKB-52 and its chief designer V.N. Chyelomyey. The development of the D9 launch system with R-29 missiles was approved on 28 September 1964.
The initial tests of the R-29 missile and the D-9 launch system took place with the Black Sea fleet. They consisted of launching full-scale missile dummies with a first stage propulsion system and a simplified command system. Further testing was conducted from March 1969 until December 1971 at the State Central Marine Test Site in Nenoksa. A total of 20 flight demonstration launches were conducted from a ground platform. The final test phase consisted of a series of submarine launches from Delta I submarines. The first submarine launch was on 15 December 1971 in the White Sea. Further tests took place from August through November 1972, during which 18 out of 19 launches were successfully conducted.
The R-29 missiles and the D-9 launch system were made operational on March 12, 1974 and they are deployed on 18 Delta I submarines. The Delta Class nuclear submarine can launch missiles at approximately 7-second intervals while fully submerged. Normal reaction time is 15 minutes; reaction time under conditions of peak alert is about one minute. The allowable hold time under peak alert conditions is one hour. The missiles could either be fired underwater or while the submarine was moored at their bases.
Further improvements lead to an increase in range up to 9100 km. The modernized launch system designated as D-9D was made operational in 1978. It was initially deployed on four Delta II submarines, which carry 16 R-29D missiles instead of 12 R-29 missiles. Subseqeuntly, the Delta I submarines were also outfitted with R-29D missiles.
Historical Review - Western Estimates | |
First land-based launch from Nenoksa Naval Missile Test Center detected | June 21, 1969 |
Hotel III submarine used as test bed for SS-N-8 SLBM | 1970 |
First sea launch | December 25, 1971 |
Estimated start of integrated system test | Mid-1972 |
First detection of 12-missile tube Delta Class SSBN | August 1972 |
Two SS-N-8 missiles launched simultaneously | November 28, 1972 |
Four SS-N-8 missiles launched within a 30-second interval | December 14, 1972 |
Initial operational capability reached | Mid-1973 |
Specifications | ||
| |
DIA | SS-N-8 | SS-N-8 |
NATO | Sawfly | Sawfly |
Bilateral | RSM-40 | RSM-40 |
Service | R-29 | R-29 |
OKB/Industry | 4K75 | |
Design Bureau | SKB-385 | SKB-385 |
Approved | ||
Years of R&D | ||
Engineering and Testing | ||
First Flight Test | | |
IOC | ||
Deployment Date | 3/12/1974 | 1978 |
Launch system | D-9 with 12 missiles | D-9D with 16 missiles |
Submarine | Delta I | Delta I & Delta II |
Type of Warhead | ||
Warheads | Single | |
Yield (Russian sources) | ||
Yield (Western sources) | 0.6-1.5 MT | 0.6-1.5 MT |
Payload (t) | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Total length (m) | 13 | |
Total length w/o warhead (m) | ||
Missile Diameter (m) | 1.8 | |
Diameter of Stabilizers (m) | ||
Launch Weight (t) | 33.3 | |
Fuel Weight (t) | ||
Range (km) | 7,800 | 9,100 |
CEP (m) (Russian Sources) | 1,500 | 900 |
CEP (m) Western Sources) | 900 | 900 |
Number of Stages | 2 | |
Warheads Deployed | ||
Booster guidance system | Astroinertial | |
1st stage
2nd stage
| |
Length (m) | ||
Body diameter (m) | ||
Fueled weight (t) | ||
Dry weight (t) | ||
Engine Designation | ||
Propellants | Liquid | Liquid |
Fuel | ||
Oxidizer | ||
Burning time (s) | ||
Verniers Thrust Sea Level/Vacuum (kn) | ||
Specific Impulse (s) | ||
Launching Technique | Underwater "wet start"/surfaced | |
Firing conditions: |
Platforms: Delta I/II
Operational: Entered service in 1973/1977, phased out in the 1990s
One Golf-class (the Golf III) and one Hotel-class (the Hotel III) submarine was modified to serve as trials ship for the R-29. 12 missiles were carried by the Delta I-class and 16 by the Delta II-class SSBNs.
Basic from these solutions:
Basic from these solutions:
- rocket is executed according to two-step diagram, in one diameter, with the tandem staging, fuel tanks - carrying with the combined separating bottoms;
- the high density of the layout of the stages of rocket was ensured due to the arrangement of the engines of the I and II steps directly in the fuel tanks, the upper bottom of the fuel tank of the second step is executed in the form the cone, in which was placed “inverted” in the direction of flight combat block;
- the absence of interstage and intertank sections;
- the execution of all-welded missile body with the complete hermetic sealing of the aggregates of engine installations, [ampulizatsiya] of tanks after their servicing at the manufacturing plant;
- the application of an azimuthal celestial correction of rocket flight on the navigation stars and the sun;
- the use of an onboard digital computer complex in the composition of control system;
- the front arrangement of instrument compartment in the head part of the rocket, the ensuring sighting of stars and the replacement of instrument compartment and head part without unloading of rocket from the mine of submarine;
- the creation of launcher with the resin-metal shock absorbers, placed on the walls of rocket mine, which ensured their repeated use and increased the operating characteristics of complex;
- the application of an autonomous ship digital computing system in the ship system for control of rocket weapon;
- the guarantee of a start from the underwater and above-water positions of boat.
SS-N-9 'Siren'
Soviet designation: P-50, P-120 Malakhit (4K85)
Designer: Zvezda
Specifications | ||
Contractor | NPO Mashinostroenia | |
Entered Service | 1969 | |
Total length | 8.84 meters | |
Diameter | ||
Wingspan | ||
Weight | 3,000 kg | |
Warhead | ||
Propulsion | solid-fuel booster and sustainer [liquid-fuel rocket engine according to some sources] | |
Maximum Speed | Mach 0.9 [Mach 1.4 according to some sources] | |
Maximum effective range | 38nm (7Okm) Submarine 60 nm (110 km) Corvette | |
Guidance mode | inertial terminal homing | |
Single-shot hit probability |
Platforms: Nanuchka I/III, Mod. Charlie I
Operational: Entered service in 1969
After launch, the P-50 climbs to an altitude of about 100 meters for target detection with its radar. When it is about ten kilometers away from its target, the missile begins a slow terminal dive. Eight missiles were fitted to the modified Charlie I-class SSGNs in similar fashion to the P-20L, and six to the Nanuchka-class small rocket ships in two triple angled launchers. The P-120 is an improved version, the development of which began in February 1963.
When first observed the RPK-3 missile was thought by NATO to be a new horizon-range anti-ship missile and it was designated SS-N-10. When the truth of the matter was revealed the missile was redesignated SS-N-14 "Silex".
When first observed the P-15M missile was thought by NATO to be an entirely new design and it was assigned the designation SS-N-11. When the truth of the matter was revealed the missile was redesignated SS-N-2C "Styx".SS-N-12 'Sandbox'
Soviet designation: P-350, P-500 Bazalt (4K77, 4K80)
Designer: Chelomey
Type: supersonic speed cruise missile
Year: 1973
Development Start
Date Operational
Type: supersonic speed cruise missile
Year: 1973
Development Start
Date Operational
Lenght: 11.7 m
Diameter: 0.88 m
Span: 2.1 m
Launch weight: 4,800 kg
Maximum range: 550 km
Maximum speed: Mach 1.7
Propulsion: Solid-propellant rocket booster + KR-17-300 turbojet sustainer
Guidance: Command + active or passive radar terminal homing
Fire Control: Front Door/Front Piece or Trap Door (Front Door B) or Front Door C
Warhead: 750 kg HE or 350 kT nuclear
Platforms: Kiev, Slava, Mod. Echo II, Mod. Juliett
Operational: Entered service in 1975
The P-500 is a second generation Soviet anti-ship missile. It is based on the cancelled P-35 supersonic land-attack cruise missile with development starting in February 1963. Initial flight tests were conducted in 1969-1970 at the Nenoksa test range. Targeting data can be received directly from ocean surveillance satellites of the Legend system with the help of Kasatka-B (Punch Bowl) SATCOM antennae. Mid-course guidance for the missile is provided by an H/I-band Argon (Front Door) series radar or a Ka-25Ts Hormone-B helicopter. Up to eight missiles can be guided simultaneously by a digital computer, and the flight altitude can be varied between 30 and 7,000 meters. The P-500 missile has an onboard ECM system and titanium alloys are used in its construction. The missiles are usually stored in paired launch tubes that are elevated about 30 degrees for firing. The launch tubes aboard Slava-class cruisers are fixed at this angle, however. The missile has been fitted to the nine modified Echo II-class SSGNs and one modified Juliett-class SSG. P-350 was the prototype designation.
SERB SS-N-6m R-27K, 4K18, SS-NX-13
Soviet designation: R-27K and D-6 (4K18)
Designer: Chelomey
Specifications | |
U. S. Number | SS-N-6 (m) SS-NX-13 |
NATO Name | Serb |
Service Designation | R-27K* |
GURVO Index | 4K18* |
Treaty Pseudonym | RSM-25 |
System | D-5* |
Design Bureau | Makayev* SKB-385 |
Engine OKB | Isayev (KBKhM)* |
Engine Designation | 4D10 modified* |
Type | IRBM |
Range (km) | 2,500-3,000* |
CEP (km) | 1.3-1.8 |
Diameter (m) | 1.5* |
Height (m) | 9.65* |
Height without warhead (m) | 7.86 |
Launch Weight | ~13,877 - 13,900* |
Stage Mass (kg) | ~13,227 - 13,250** |
Dry Weight (kg) | 1,050.** |
Guidance | Inertial |
Engines (Closed Cycle) | Isayev OKB modified* |
Thrust (kg-f) Main Chamber Verniers Total | 23,850* 3,000* 26,850* |
Thrust Vac. | 29,600** |
Thrust Chambers (main) | 1* |
Steering Vernier Thrust Chambers | 2* |
Stages | 1* |
gee’s acceleration launch | ~1.94** |
Burn Time (sec.) | 122* |
Isp. Sea Level Vacuum | 269 * 296 * |
Propellants | hypergolic storable |
Fuel | UDMH (1) * |
Oxidizer | IRFNA (2) * |
Propellant Mass (kg) | 12,200 - 12,199.79 (12,177. +23.)** |
Propellant Flow Rate (kg/sec) | 100 (99.82) ** |
Warhead design Mass (kg) | 650 * |
Warhead number | 1-3* |
HE Warhead yield (MT) | 1 (0.6 - 1.2)* |
Warhead length (m) | 1.79 |
Burnout Velocity (m/sec) | ~4,235* |
Impact Velocity (m/sec) | 300 @ 50 degrees* |
Launching Technique | Underwater "wet start" |
Firing conditions: |
* Data from Russian intelligence sources
** Based on rocket equations derived analysis results.
Operational: Cancelled
The development of the D-6 began in about 1964. The missile was intended as an anti-carrier weapon to be launched from a modified Yankee-class submarine. Targeting was to be done with the help of satellites, and the warhead had a terminal maneuvering capability of approximately 50 kilometers. Later also an anti-SSBN version of the weapon may have been concieved. Although flight tests were conducted until November 1973, the missile was not deployed.
source : globalsecurity
source : globalsecurity
SS-N-14 'Silex'
Type: Anti-submarine missile
Soviet designation: RPK-3 Metel, RPK-4 Musson (85R/RU/RUS)
Lenght: 7.6 m
Diameter: 0.55 m
Span: 3.0 m
Launch weight: 2,500 kg
Maximum range: 55 km
Maximum speed: Mach 0.95
Propulsion: Two solid-propellant rocket boosters + solid-propellant rocket sustainer
Guidance: Command + IR homing + acoustic homing for torpedo
Fire Control: Eye Bowl (Drakon/Sprut) or Head Lights B (Grom)
Warhead: 350 kg SAP + E53 450 mm homing torpedo (5 kT nuclear depth charge on 85RUS)
Platforms: Kresta II, Krivak I, Krivak II, Kara, Udaloy I
Operational: Entered service in 1970
First installed aboard Kresta II ASW cruisers, the SS-N-14 missiles are usually carried in a group of four launch tubes. Due to the short ranges of Soviet shipborne sonars, the missile can be used to its full potential only by sharing contact reports between ships, aircraft and helicopters. The SS-N-14 also has an anti-ship mode where the torpedo remains attached to the missile until impact, guided by an IR terminal seeker. The 85RU is an improved version and the 85RUS carries a nuclear depth charge instead of a torpedo. Surface Launched Anti Sub - there is also an ASuW(SSM) version where a homing head is mounted on the nose of the carrier and the torpedo is replaced by a warhead- the whole missile is then guided onto the target.
SS-N-15 'Starfish'
Soviet designation: RPK-2 Viyoga (81R)
Designer: Novator
Lenght: 6.5 m
Diameter: 0.53 m
Launch weight: 1,800 kg
Maximum range: 45 km
Maximum speed: Mach 0.9
Propulsion: Solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Fire Control: None, sonar used for targeting
Warhead: 20 kT nuclear depth charge
Carried on: | “Typhoon”, “Delta IV” SSBN; “Oscar I”, “Oscar II”, “Charlie II” SSGN; “Akula”, “Alfa”, “Sierra I”, “Sierra II”, “Mike”, “Victor I”, “Victor II”, “Victor III” SSN |
Operational: Entered service in 1969, phased out in the early 1990s
The development of submarine-launched ASW missiles and rockets was ordered in 1960 following the introduction of similar weapons in the West. At first a 650 mm weapon carrying a 400 homing torpedo was designed by OKB-9. Problems with the program led to it being handed over to OKB-8 in 1964, however. The same year trials of the D-93 missile started from a modified Whiskey-class submarine (Pr.613RV) with a fairwater over the bow housing two 650 mm torpedo tubes. The tests were not finished, as OKB-8 decided to switch work to a 533 mm missile carrying a 90R nuclear depth charge. Tests of the D-95 missile that evolved into the eventual RPK-2 began in 1965 from the same Pr.613RV submarine. Maximum launch depth of the RPK-2 was 60 meters.
SS-N-16A/B 'Stallion'
Type: Anti-submarine missile
Soviet designation: RPK-7 Veter/RPK-6 Vodopod (83R, 84R/86R, 88R)
Designer: Novator
Lenght: 11.0/8.17 m
Diameter: 0.65/0.53 m
Launch weight: ?/2,445 kg
Maximum range: 75/46 km
Maximum speed: Mach 0.9
Propulsion: Solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial + acoustic homing for torpedo
Fire Control: None, sonar used for targeting
Warhead: UGMT-1 400 mm homing torpedo or 5 kT nuclear depth charge
Platforms: Akula, Oscar, Sierra, Typhoon, Victor III, Frunze, Neutrashimy,1144 (.2) Kirov class, 1154 Neustrashimy, 677 Lada class, 705 Alfa class, 955/935 Borei class, 667bdrm Delta IV class, 641B Som/Tango class.
Operational: Entered service in 1984/1981
Operational: Entered service in 1984/1981
The development of the 533 mm RPK-6 and 650 mm RPK-7 missiles began in 1969. Both versions can carry either a homing torpedo (83R and 86R) or a nuclear depth charge (84R and 88R). They were tested from two modified Romeo-class submarines (Pr.633RV), each with two 650 mm torpedo tubes in a fairwater over the bow. The missile is fired from a standard torpedo tube, and upon arrival to the target area a parachute lowers the torpedo to the water. A protective nosecap then separates, and once the torpedo reaches a pre-programmed depth it begins its search pattern. The shipborne version of the RPK-6 can be launched from 533 mm torpedo tubes on some modern Russian warships. Maximum launch depth of the missiles is 200 meters. Range of the RPK-6 varies with launch depth, being 35 kilometers from 150 meters and 50 kilometers from 50 meters.
Missiles without USA/NATO designation:
Many missiles that never became operational did not receive USA/NATO designations.R-15/D-3 | An IRBM-range SLBM intended for Project 652 submarines. |
D-7 | An IRBM-range SLBM to replace SS-N-5. Cancelled. |
D-8 | An unsuccessful competitor to SS-N-8. |
RSM-54M | An SLBM under development for Delta IV submarines. |
P-10 Buran | An SS-N-3C competitor designed by Beriev. |
P-20 Burya | An ultra-long range cruise missile designed by Ilyushin in 1960. |
P-25 | An SS-N-2 competitor designed by Chelomey. Solid fuel, limited production in 1961-1962. |
P-35 Bazalt | An early supersonic land-attack cruise missile. Cancelled. |
P-40 | An anti-ship version of P-35 to arm converted Sverdlov-class cruisers. |
P-170 | A hypersonic target drone with a naval missile 'P'-designation. |
P-1000 Vulkan | A hypersonic heavy anti-ship missile to replace SS-N-12 and SS-N-19. |
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