A South Korean firm is building the
ESM (Electronic Support Measures) equipment for the six new Type 214
submarines their navy is buying. The ESM suite is designed by a Swedish
company, but is subcontracting the construction of the equipment to South korea
LIG Nex1. This brings home the fact that South Korea has become an
electronics superpower over the last three decades. In terms of
electronics items manufactured, South korea
is fourth behind the U.S., Japan and China. This has led to the
establishment of specialized firms, like LIG Nex1, which do precision,
and specialized work, like ESM systems. South Korea has been a growing
manufacturer of military electronics, mainly in support of their local
production of warships, armored vehicles and high tech weapons.

Korea also builds submarines, also a very specialized field. A decade
ago, South Korea ordered three German 214s, and the first of those
entered service two years ago. The boats were built in South Korea,
using licensed technology from the German developer (HDW).
years ago, the South Koreans dropped plans to built several large,
3,000 ton, diesel-electric subs. But now, this plan has been revived.
But first, the six additional 1,600 ton Type 214 subs will be built
over the next 14 years, in addition to the three already planned. South
Korea already has nine 1,100 ton Type 209 subs, designed and built in